Graduate Track Pathway

An undergraduate in the Department of English and Technical Communication at Missouri S&T, and select undergraduates in other departments, may opt to apply for the Graduate Track Pathway in Technical Communication (TC). This program allows a student to complete a bachelor’s degree and then the MS in Tech Com in less time than if pursuing each degree consecutively. In this program, 9 hours of TC MS coursework may apply to both the BS and MS requirements. The credit hours transferred from their Missouri S&T bachelor’s degree to their Technical Communication master’s degree may be taken at the lower undergraduate tuition rate.

To be eligible for the GTP, an undergraduate must be one year from completion of their bachelor’s degree (excluding the semester in which they are currently enrolled). They must have completed 9 credit hours of any combination of English and TC courses selected from 1160, 1600, 2002, 2410, 2540, 2560, and any 3000 or 4000 level English or TC course at Missouri S&T with at least a 3.50 GPA in those courses and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

To be admitted, the student must complete the GTP Admission and Course Approval Form and must have the recommendation of a TC faculty member. Once admitted to the GTP, the student may transfer nine credit hours from their Missouri S&T bachelor’s degree to their Technical Communication master’s degree. Depending on the bachelor’s program, some or all of those hours might also fulfill elective undergraduate categories. These nine hours of shared credit will be charged at the undergraduate tuition rate. The nine hours of shared-credit coursework must be approved by the academic advisor and must be courses approved to be part of the MS curriculum. Taking additional courses for graduate credit beyond these nine hours will require formal application and acceptance to the MS program. Acceptance to the MS program from the GTP is assured so long as the student maintains a 3.0 GPA or higher in TC coursework.

E&TC majors are encouraged to consult with their academic advisor during their sophomore or junior year about preparing for GTP admission.

Course Catalog