If you have already taken one or more English courses to meet your general education requirements, you may be closer to an English minor than you think. The department offers six popular minors for undergraduate students already enrolled in other programs.
American Studies - This interdisciplinary minor will help you become conversant with American culture, including its literary, historical, musical, artistic and philosophical traditions. For more information, contact Dr. Trent Brown (browntre@mst.edu).
Creative Writing: Would you like to learn how to write publishable short stories, poems, and essays? If so, this minor may appeal to you. You will become part of a community of writers and receive feedback on your work from peers and instructors. Contact Professor Matt Goldberg (goldbergmr@mst.edu) or Professor Kelly Tate (tatekj@mst.edu) for more information.
Game Studies: To complete this minor, students take courses in games studies, usability studies, fantasy literature, and creative writing. For more information, contact Dr. Kathryn Dolan (dolankc@mst.edu).
Linguistics: To declare this minor, contact Dr. Sarah Hercula (herculas@mst.edu).
Literature: This minor is designed to improve your ability to read and think critically and use language effectively. Not only will you strengthen your ability to read carefully and competently, but reading literature is also an interesting way to explore significant psychological, philosophical, and aesthetic concerns. For more information, contact Dr. Eric Bryan (bryane@mst.edu).
Literature and Film: This minor will allow you to explore the connections between literature and film and increase your understanding and enjoyment of each form of artistic expression. For more information, contact Dr. Trent Brown (browntre@mst.edu).
Social Media in Industry: Learn how to use social media in the workplace. Contact Dr. Carleigh Davis (daviscarl@mst.edu) to learn more and/or to declare this minor.
Technical Communication - This minor is a logical complement to a degree in engineering or one of the sciences. The courses you take will prepare you to design usable documents that communicate scientific and technical information effectively. For more information, contact Dr. Kathryn Northcut (northcut@mst.edu)
Writing: If you are interested in developing practical writing skills, this minor may be your best option. You will have many opportunities to practice your writing, and you will gain a better understanding of the written language as a means of communication. For more information, contact Dr. Carleigh Davis (daviscarl@mst.edu).
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