Dr. Daniel Reardon

Research Interests: Popular Culture, Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, Game Studies, Student Retention, and Student Success
Dr. Reardon received a B.A. in Speech and Theater from Avila College in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1986; a B.A. in English from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 1988; and a D.A. in English from State University of New York-Albany in 1993. His courses include:
- English 1600: Introduction to Technical Communication
- English 2243: Science Fiction
- English 2244: Fantasy Literature
- English/Tech Com 3590: Game Studies
After beginning his career at S&T as an adjunct instructor in 2003, Dr. Reardon was hired by the English & Technical Communication department as a full-time lecturer in 2007. From 2009-2011 Dr. Reardon served as assistant director of the S&T Writing Center before his appointment in 2011 as assistant professor of English at S&T. Dr. Reardon was director of the composition program in ETC from 2009-2020, and then he served as associate chair of English & Technical Communication beginning in 2020. In 2022 Dr. Reardon began serving as vice provost of undergraduate education at S&T, his current position. Dr. Reardon was also promoted to professor of English in 2023. He has received Outstanding Teaching Awards in 2012, 2016, 2019, 2021, and 2022, and departmental faculty service awards in 2016 and 2022.
A longtime stage performer, Dr. Reardon frequently appears in productions with both Rolla’s Fine Linen Theatre and Ozark Actors Theatre (OAT). His stage adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol was produced by OAT’s Cedar Street Players in 2022 and 2023; Dr. Reardon’s script was copyrighted by the Library of Congress in 2022. Dr. Reardon also performed the role of Ebenezer Scrooge in the production.
Dr. Reardon has published articles on composition pedagogy, writing program administration, and most recently on intersections of technical communication and video games. Currently Dr. Reardon presents at national conferences on topics of student retention and success in higher education institutions.
Select Publications since 2017
- (2021) With Wright, D. The Digital Role-Playing Game and Technical Communication. New York: Bloomsbury
- (2019) With Wright, D., & Malone, E. A. Introduction to Special Issue on Transmedia, Participatory Culture, and Digital Creation. Technical Communication, 66(3), 201-207
- (2019) With Welch, A. & Bolin, J. Mid-Career Faculty Productivity. Brill, Inc.
- (2019) With Welch, A. & Bolin, J. Mid-career faculty productivity: trends, barriers, and possibilities. Journal of the Professoriate. Spring 2019. 22-40.
- (2019). With Welch, A. & Bolin, J., & Stenger, R. Introduction: Mid-career faculty. In Mid-Career Faculty Productivity. Edited Collection. Brill, Inc. 1-6.
- (2017) With Wright, D. and Malone, E. Quest for the happy ending to Mass Effect 3: The challenges of co-creation with consumers in a post-Certeauian Age. Technical Communication Quarterly 27(1). 42-58.
- (2017) With Larson, J. Reimagining the stacks: Classroom technology and library collaboration for writing in the disciplines. The Journal of Student Success in Writing, 1(1) 1-18.
Select Presentations Since 2017
- “You’re Wrong About This Game. Until You’re Right. Unshackled Resistance in Christine Love’s Analogue: A Hate Story.” Midwest Popular Culture Association Conference. Chicago, IL. October 15, 2022.
- “A Co-Creative World, for Better or Worse: The Case Study of Dragon Age II.” Popular Culture Association Virtual Conference. June 3, 2021.
- “Character Creation and Resistance in The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.” Popular Culture Association Conference. Washington D. C. April 17, 2019
- “Using Video Responses to Student Writing. Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference. Missouri University of Science and Technology. March 14, 2019
- “The Game’s On: Preparing Students for Writing Success through Course Site Gamification.” Conference on College Composition and Communication: Kansas City, MO. March 15, 2018
- “Mid-Career Faculty: Trends, Barriers, and Possibilities.” European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI): Tampere, Finland. September 1, 2019.
- “Doubling Down on Distress: Absentee and Antagonist Mothers in The Last of Us.” Midwest Popular Culture Association Conference. St. Louis, MO. October 19, 2017
- “The Politics of Religious and Socio-Political Engineering: Metagaming in Dragon Age: Inquisition.” Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference: San Diego, CA. April 6, 2017
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